At Brightview Preparatory Academy, we will be fully implementing the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards for Reading, Language Arts, and Math, and the Next Generation Florida Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS), for Science and Social Studies. BPA will be placing a strong emphasis on STEM. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. By providing STEM education, we are giving students the opportunity to be creative, the chance to learn and apply inquiry skills as they collaborate with others. STEM fosters engineering and design thinking and helps students master math and science concepts.

The Governing Board members of Brightview Preparatory Academy believe that the future of education lies in partnerships between communities, parents and educators and their commitment to prepare lifelong learners.
BPA will uphold an educational culture where:
- ● Academic excellence is respected and pursued.
- ● Teaching and learning is innovative.
- ● And caring for others is intrinsic.
The BPA family promotes this culture through:
- ● A common philosophy of high expectations for all.
- ● A commitment to educational excellence.
- ● A unique student code of excellence and discipline.
- ● An expectation of parental involvement.
- ● And a collaborative infrastructure.
- ● Big Ideas Learning Math.
- ● Wonders.
- ● Elevate Science.
- ● Gallopade Florida Social. Studies.
- ● McGraw Hill y Analytic Orange.
All our teachers are trained to implement this program.
PLTW Launch Students Learn Through Exploration and Discovery.
Young learners are naturally wired for discovery. PLTW Launch is designed with activities that let them see what they can be and build skills to discover what they can do.
Students are immersed in hands-on activities, projects, and problems that build upon each other and relate to the real world. They experience integrated learning that blends computer science, engineering, biomedical science, and more. Throughout the modules, even the youngest learners apply their math and English Language Arts (ELA) skills, learn science to standards, and adopt skills that are foundational
across disciplines.