Title I is the major component of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), passed in 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. Congress has reauthorized the Act numerous times since its enactment, making changes in focus each time. The current reauthorization of ESEA is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 10, 2015. Title I funding flows from the U.S. Department of Education (as appropriated by Congress) to the Florida Department of Education (FDOE), which then allocates funds to Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS). The District adheres to Federal ESSA law mandates to ensure that Title I Schoolwide Program funding is provided directly to eligible schools above the 75 percent poverty threshold. Eligible schools spend the funds allocated based on formalized School Improvement Processes approved by M-DCPS and FDOE.

Title I is the part of ESSA that supports programs in schools and school districts to improve the learning of children from low income families. Title I is the largest federally funded education program designed to provide students with additional help in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The Title I Program is committed to helping schools close the achievement gap between disadvantaged and minority students and their peers. This site is designed to supply users with information relevant to Title I in order to provide a clear understanding of the overall program. Additionally, Title I schools’ administrators and staff shall read the Title I Handbook, locate under the Resources navigation menu, in order to become familiar with all policies and procedures contained therein. It is imperative that the Supplement vs. Supplanting provision of the ESEA is observed at all times, to ensure that federal funds provide the additional educational resources that students and teachers in high-poverty schools need to succeed. Administrators are encouraged to reach out to the Department of Title I Administration, if clarification or assistance is needed.

Welcome to Keys Gate Charter School! We are a Title 1 School and below please click on the letter of your preferred language to read what a Title 1 school means for your student.

2023-2024 M-DCPS Title I Parent/Family Engagement Survey

Below please find the paper survey in your desired language simply print and return to  the school or you can open the scannable QR code sheet and scan the QR code in the desired language.


Information on the school and district -level Parent and Family Engagement Plan are included in the documents below.


Title I Annual Parent Meeting –

October 8th ( In Person) 5:00-6:00 pm

2024-2025 Schoolwide Improvement Plan (SIP)

2023-2024 School Year Parent Compact

Please make sure you review it with your student. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (305) 230-1616 ext. 1004 or email at yurelkis.moreno@nullkeyscharter.org

Please complete the 2023-2024 Title I School-level Parent and Family Engagement Survey- Second Distribution ! Simply copy and paste the link below into a new browser and answer just a few questions or scan the QR Code below that is in your preferred language to complete survey Thank you!

Your input will assist with the implementation of a Title I Schoolwide Program that meets the needs of your family. The results of this survey will be utilized to help in the development of the Title I School-level Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP), and future parent and family engagement activities, events, and workshops at Keys Gate Charter School.


With so many families in our community facing difficult times , unstable housing has become more rampant.
We would like to make certain that all families experiencing unstable housing know that they can reach out to Project UP-START for assistance.

If you would like to go directly to Project UP-Start web site please use the link below:

http://projectupstart.dadeschools.net or click on form 7378 below and bring to the school. Forms are in three languages English/Spanish and Haitan-Creole


Clink Links below to access our school calendars

What is The Parent Academy?

The Parent Academy is a free, year-round, parent engagement initiative of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, helping parents become full partners in their children’s education. The goal of this program is to provide educational excellence for all of our children by informing parents about the importance of their roles, uniting families and schools, and giving parents a fuller sense of their rights, responsibilities, and the educational opportunities available. Free workshops and classes are offered monthly throughout Miami-Dade County for both parents and children. In addition, parents will have the opportunity to participate in workshops that are aligned with their needs and are conveniently located near their home and workplace.

Title 1 resources for Parents and families
Recursos del Título 1 para padres y familias

Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement

Title 1 Daily Tips for Parents

MDCPS Synergy 2021

30 Days of Family Learning

Common Sense Education

Cultivating Readers





Crayola- Parents and Teachers

Curiosity Machine

National Center for Families Learning

My Plate

Project Appleseed

Renegade Buggies

Parent Institute

Title I Administration

District Advisory Council (DAC) and Region Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
Program Description

The District Advisory Council (DAC) is made up of elected representatives from each Regional
Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Both the DAC and the PAC are involved in developing the Title I
District and the School-level Parent and Family Engagement Plans (PFEP). The Region PACs are
comprised of parent representatives elected by each Title I school.

Requirements for Implementation
The DAC functions through the District Title I office as follows:
• Each school elects two (2) parent and one (1) alternate as representatives of the
DAC and Region PAC;
• The Region PAC elects officers from among the school representatives;
• The representatives bring parent concerns to the PAC meetings and DAC
Executive Board meetings;
• The DAC elects officers from among school and Region representatives;
• Community Involvement Specialist (CIS)/Community Liaison Specialist (CLS)
attend all DAC and PAC meetings;
• DAC/PAC attendance records are to be maintained by the Title I District office;
• DAC and PACs are governed by the Title I District Parent Advisory Council
Constitution and Bylaws;
• Attendance awards are presented at the conclusion of the school year to one (1)
school in each Region with the highest number of parents in attendance at the
DAC meetings. In the event of a tie, staff attendance is used to determine the
winner. Children are not included in the count;
• Representatives attend local, state, and national conferences, workshops and
seminars; and
• The DAC/PAC review each School Improvement Process, the Title I District
application, and participate in Community Awareness Days and Grandparents
Recognition Day.

Responsibilities of Parent Representatives and Alternates
The DAC/PAC representatives will:
• Attend all Title I DAC meetings;
• Attend all Title I Region PAC meetings;
• Serve on DAC and PAC committees;
• Assist in planning workshops and professional development activities for
DAC/PAC members and other parents at their schools;
• Attend and participate in Title I activities; and
• Attend DAC and PAC Executive Board meetings.

Budgetary Implications
Funded through school-site budgets, as determined by the school administration and the
District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Set-Aside funds.
Please see document below for free clinics sponsored by UM and The Children’s Trust . You can also find information about health services and immunization that Banyan Health Systems offers.


Family Time….. Enjoy some STEM activities with your child.

Choose File Below for Activity and Supplies

” You Are Never Alone When Lost in the Magic of a Book”
-Marie Lu
